Thursday, May 27, 2010

Coil of the Day!

COIL of the DAY??? 

Which Coil are you? In honor of Sex and the city (which premieres today)!!
Carrie...Fun Loving
Samantha..Loose and All over the Place
Charlotte..Tightly Coiled Up
Miranda..Trying to Juggle Frizz and Definition.

Today....My hair is Charlotte! The humid weather is more than I can take
I am striving for it to be Fun Loving!

Will comment when I get back....Off to catch the movie before I catch the crowd!!
Love to all my Coils,



  1. Today I am Samantha. I am wearing a twist out, and the bouncy curls of yesterday have fallen.

  2. Thanks Chrs- I think mostly I am a Charlotte- Unless I have my mini-twists then I am a Samantha!
